Showing posts with label Zoroaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zoroaster. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

A modern look at Zoraosterism.

 Discover the fascinating world of Zoroastrianism with a modern perspective. Explore this religion's ancient yet relevant teachings and understand

Its significance in today's world. With its unique principles and practices, Zoroastrianism offers a fresh perspective on spirituality and morality that is thought-provoking and empowering. Join us on a journey of enlightenment and discover the timeless wisdom of this ancient faith. Discover the beauty and depth of Zoroastrianism from a modern perspective—the art of the discovery of fire. The fire showed up due to oxygen levels rising from the death of the death of matter created on the planet. The death of planets and biology caused the fire—a chemical process from the 6th dynamic. The sixth dynamic is matter in energy in space and time—the overall physical machinery of God, the planet. There appear to be nine levels of God; there is probable infinite in both directions. A single step is a part of a walk, part of a trip across the earth through time. What happens? What is the result? Evolution evolved on this dirt ball. All things are connected in all directions- in all ways. There is and always has been a more expansive universe out there. All life and death are caused by the same thing—a delivery system of some kind. To understand fully, you look inside yourself. You are A self-made being of nine inner selves. Imagine that similarity. Everything that is is not fixed but in free fall. You are a soul with stuff packed on. There is more going on inside your head than you think. What is existence? What is life? Have you been here all along? You are God. You are humankind. You are not alone. You only experience; you always survive. Follow any path it will take you home. Get lost in Reliogen. It will be a long road home. But you are needed, and like a child going into puberty, Thrive to adulthood even though the mind is far behind. What does a simple 20000-year-old Path Like Zoroasterism have to do with it? Why is it that Zoraosterism is the first breath of inner sunlight? The platform is the path through existence. You might know you last forever because time is made up through distance. It is mind distance influenced by emotion causing the effect. MDEE. The shorter the path, the higher the effect. Zoroasterism is the discovery of time, fire, path, distance, self/ others, and health with a side of safety. Your feelings are a condition of self. The condition of our existence is aligned as precisely as a planet moving in the solar system. Very exact. You are in the middle of nine raging dynamics of a more significant existence than yourself. There is a grain of sand, a planet, a solar system, and one. You are an atlas. Nature cause nurchire. Thought causes time, and time leads to life. The nine conditions. 1. You are the center of everyone around. 2. family home siblings, moms and dads. Outer family members and a cause to create future yous. 3. groups big or small- bring about Pride and embellishments. Establishes a future for the family. 4. All Humanity. If outside this world attacked, the world would reunite as one. 5. All living life. A tree is alive like you and I. Talk to one sometime. 6. Everything else in the universe of universes is alive at some level. 7. Everything unseen. The opposite of 6. 8. Is the land of The Gods. 9. You are all combined, one within the other to self. Somehow, you are outside the lower 8. Zoroasterism is Art. Broken down, it is simple: Cause and effect. Discover the fascinating world of Zoroastrianism with a modern perspective. Explore this religion's ancient yet relevant teachings and understand its significance in today's world. With its unique principles and practices, Zoroastrianism offers a fresh perspective on spirituality and morality that is thought-provoking and empowering. Join us on a journey of enlightenment and discover the timeless wisdom of this ancient faith. Donnie Harold Harris-666/It is I.

The rise and fall of Woman. The faith of the forgotten father's belief.

 When One follows the flow of life as a Zoroastrian, one notices the secondary condition called female. There appears to be the male, the primary outflow into existence—the protector/provider. There is the female inflow from the primary in existence. They are equaling a complete and complex condition of a First union and the basic for the family leading to Humankind. When one observes the natural flow of life, one can't help but notice the secondary condition called female. Males are the outflow into existence, serving the purpose of protectors and providers.

On the other hand, females represent the inflow from the primary source of existence. Together, they form a complete and complex union, the foundation of family and Humanity. Sure, here's my attempt: As we observe the natural flow of life, we cannot ignore the vital role of females. They represent the inflow of existence from the primary source, completing the complex union with males who serve as protectors and providers. This union is the foundation of family and Humanity. Let us appreciate and embrace this perfect balance of the two genders, essential for our survival and progress, from the old days of the cave dwellers to the chiefs of police worldwide. We all came about the same way: copulation. This process has evolved to the extent that women have become men; worse, men have become women. Unable to fulfill the role of Protector /Provider/dad. Women have become supper women of imagined beauty. First, God created Man. Then, God's Daughter Created women. A woman before women knew what a woman was. As a Zoroarsten, Fire was not discovered but Understood as a source of power for Humanity. Woman, have this flame inside. Man has tried this whole time to control its flame. It would be a female child that first possessed that flame. Fifty-two obstacles had to become simultaneously experienced to make it so. Man, then, ran with this knowledge of hope and dreams. Thus, a new began showing up in Humankind's dreams. The female of Humanity started to think outside of the box, Literally. Allow men to lead the way. We had duelality, Ying /Yang Cause and Effect. Humankind began to look up at the sky and down into the waters. I to time creating past and future viewed from the now.

Religion would begin in existence for the first time in History. The hidden goody of Zoroastism resulted from the two opposites into a new higher-like path, a single way. A center way. An inner path or path of insulation and subjugation. All of it. It would bring about a world of thousands of ways to do the same thing when this young girl discovered that Fire was controllable. There was no separation of man from woman until the body decided differently at puberty—an animal condition at the body level. Fast forward 7500 years or so, and Religion has taken over Humanity By default. The King and Kingships, the Indian gurus, The Krishna, and the like all come forward as if by magic throughout time. 99% men. What does this have to do with Modern Humanity? Because of men's condition, women tried to light their Fire through time and source. Only to lose her flame over time. Time and duty were all there was until the Catholic Church. An all-man Organization intervened after their Rain of terror on The Blacks of Africa, The jungles of Brazil, and the west coast of America.

In Zoraosterism, the root of all evil is inside man. This is the area/events of the Devel /Jesus dualisticly creating of God. This Random and purposeful Creation, known collectively as Religion, became alive with long futures. They are dwarfing Humans' ability to intervene. They have moved forward through History: evil men and good women. Create confused children—the foundation of future causes. What makes a wicked woman is a man overwhelmed. Women now are trying to be Men, trying to be women to be a woman themselves. Body alterations. Hygien shifts and unstoppable onslot to destroy all Humanity. Child-porn in schools, females think that allowing a free man to be her is the way for her to be she once again. This false assumption has devastated Manhod. After the Catholic Church destroyed Europe, Africa, and South America, They put their claws on Women—the most Hated group known to any priest.

Any congregation is making Molestation of children of the congregation their primary target. Women are the longest and oldest group of enslaved people in History. Then, we get up to modern Humanity and the 20th century. World monetary collapses and caused famine and WW1, WW2. Then flash wars would become standard. Vietnam, etc. The Bush attacks and deaths of multi-million in the Middle East with a Payback of 9-11. All the while, women were being used as the cause of around the world hate. Because of this, God gifted natural beauty to fire up her man. Passion

And Fire was so distorted they took over medical possibilities of self-mutilation to a new cause level.

Self-mutilation by proxy The medical field is The Back side of Religion. We are into quite a storm, with nowhere to go but down a rabbit hole. What is left but the direct Killing of God's Most precious creation, a baby? We have the Diabolical assault by Israel against its most valued neighbors—the Palestine people's woman(mother), babies(future adults)—God's gift to Humanity—a mix between the Ying and the Yang of all possibilities. One only needs to see the Trapping of the Catholic Church to understand that sickness in the minds of men is more deadly than money. Religious sickness is the most lethal. When a religious group kills children, the Catholic Church still covers up the death of 795 children in My county, Irland, to this day.

There are millions of abused adult children sexually assaulted by churches living to this day. This experiment Has gone on too long. The sickness of these groups cannot be relieved except by detailed surgery, like a cancer of the world's soul. Time does not affect it—only sensation. Therefore, The possibility of medical breakthroughs for all the ailments of Humanity, both mentally and physically, must come about through an expansion of Religion with the chain and shacks off. Therefore, the Catholic Church has separated from God. An, therefore, is itself confined to its own Hell on Earth. To be consumed by the people of the world. Only through recreation can we dis-create our demons, all self-made. Both Medical and mental, equaling a single path of self-called soul. You and you alone. 1. Treat all children worldwide with Peace, Love, Happiness, and Compassion to Understand their god self. 2. Remove all crimes on all the law books that hold women to a higher standard than men—no more sex crimes for natural selection. Woman are free to use their Fire to bring back their men. Or to discover themselves. They are not known as our better half for no reason. To become whole, join up with the opposite sex. START...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Monday, December 19, 2022

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Me at 15

  Born as the 7Th child of a teenage mother named Mary. Born with TTTS. As an identical twin whose life was saved by blood from an old African American Lady. Born at 6:33 Am on August first, 1953. On a beautiful Saturday. Named Donnie Harold Harris. 3 more brothers were born after me. 7 boys 3 girls. Born at the county General hospital into the lowest form of white poverty at that time. Living in over 100 locations before I was 16. Went to 21-grade schools some 2 or 3 times. Molested before I was 1 by a male cousin.  Meet God and the devil on a humming bridge at 4.  Kidnapped and raped by a stranger at 4 in ally at the fire can, cum in mouth, police called and came to our house.  I moved into Aunt and Uncle's house before 7 was molested by another male cousin there. Was tricked into the basement of a Catholic Church ( Sacred Heart off south Meridian street) raped by a Catholic Priest. Not Catholic. Fondled in a restroom under the swimming pool at Garfield park about 10. Sexual assaulted several times while staying at Happy Hollow Camp in the brown country. Pissed on. 8-12.  Became a paperboy after my 5 and final stay at the Marion county children's home. I like it there most time. Tricked and forced to have sex for the paper station manager star and news company. I had to put on a sex show for other older men two or three times. One was Dick Lugar. I picked up hitchhiking on east Washington street and was throat grabbed by a military man from Fort Harrison. Almost murdered. Reported to the Sherriff. I was Cornered by rapists and told my twin and mom, and da,d and other brothers would be murdered unless I dropped the charges. I ran away to Hollywood, Ca, at 15 in the summer of 69. I turned down sex with Rock Hudson two weeks after I arrived. Meet FBI and IUPUI Doctors. Given LSD 25 twice. Left the program of being a teen covert spy—details in Behind the men's room door book on my story.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Then there were three: Split-image have-mercy-on-me by Donnie Harold Harr...

Then there were three: Split-image have-mercy-on-me by Donnie Harold Harr...: Split-image have-mercy-on-me by Donnie Harold Harris   One day, a great man said to A Battle Hardened Field Surgeon, on the battle field&#39...

Split-image have-mercy-on-me by Donnie Harold Harris

Split-image have-mercy-on-me by Donnie Harold Harris  One day, a great man said to A Battle Hardened Field Surgeon, on the battle field's of the civil War, One day "Eli Lilly" Stated The obvious to that Medico, there will be no need for Such Barbarity as Amputation. Sometimes for the Smallest of Wound. Leaving a lifetime of misfortunes to all the rest of us to Bear the burden of. Self-destruction that does not make anything whole again. " I am With Her on This one."